We've been having a great summer. It has been very hot here in Colorado. Record weeks in the 90's+. So, we've gotten a tan, gone to the pool, and have our share of mosquito bites, but we're having fun.
There are many pictures to post and a few videos. All the way back from before the 4th of July.
Macy continues growing and learning. She amazes me all the time. She is currently learning to fold her hands and close (squint) her eyes while we pray. It's pretty cute.
We sing a lot and read books every day. She walks up and says which book she wants to read. Sometimes, you have to decipher which one she means. It took me and hour the other day to understand that "Read the quarter boy one" Meant, she wanted the Corduroy book.
She signs while she's playing and can actually carry a tune.
We have started to go to the library ("lie barry") and bring home some new books to read. Also, twice a week at the library, they have Humpty Dumpty Story Time. We try to go once a week. We sit on our own little carpet and sing songs and read books with a bunch of other kids. Last week we had to stay away from a boy named Carson, who sat next to us and tried to bite every kid that was near him.
She isn't around a lot of kids in a group like that, so she is nervous and sits very close, but she enjoys it.
Today, went to a kids day that had police cars, fire trucks, horse drawn wagon rides, etc. Papa came with us, and we had a good time.
Here are our newest updates. I'll try to post a couple videos (if they work).
Love and kisses to all.
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