Kevin's parents and two nephews came to visit last week, and boy, it was busy, and tiresome, but everybody had a good time....Macy included. We went to the zoo, and the pool, and Estes Park. Macy was exhausted and slept well, but we had fun. Otherwise, it has been time spent at the pool, or the lake. Macy loves spending time outside and absolutely loves the water. She was leery at first, but once she got in the water, she is fearless, as usual. Which only means, mama has to have more eyes in the back of her head. *Sigh*
Macy is growing each day it seems. Her hair is getting thicker, her laughs are getting louder, and her vocabulary grows by the week. She routinely says 7-8 word sentences, and repeats most everything you say (all the more reasons to "watch what we say"). Here are a few new pictures. Included are her 18 month pictures. I're thinking, "but Macy is almost 20 months". Yeah, that would be her mamas fault. So, I took them myself this time, and it was exhausting. Kevin and I chased her around the park until she just wouldn't go anymore. There aren't a ton of good ones, but at least a snapshot of her sweet smile. Enjoy.
18 month pictures