Sunday, August 22, 2010

Family Pictures

It's that time picture time. Why is it so hard to get everyone motivated to take family pictures? Seriously, it's 1-2 hours at the most. Is it that hard?
Anyway, we took our family pictures yesterday. My aunt and cousin took the ones of our family (all of us together) and of Kevin, Macy and me. Then I took the rest. Of course it's going to be difficult when you have 7 little ones you are trying to corral. Of course, they all weren't in good moods at the same time. Some didn't want to smile, some were the picture (literally) of perfection. I definitely have some bloopers, but here are a couple that are my favorites.


Grandma, Papa and grandkids


All the boys

Mom and Dad

Little boys growing up

Pretty girls

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My little firecracker

Macy is 9 months old tomorrow. The time has gone by quickly and slowly both at the same time. It's so amazing to watch her grow. She is crawling all over the house, including up the stairs, very easily. Now I am teaching her to crawl down them so she doesn't roll down.
I love seeing the next stage of her growth. I don't want to "wish" her to grow up, because I know I can't get this time back, but I'm excited to see what she'll do next. Of course sleeping is good and bad depending on the week. She's on a new kick of waking up in the middle of the night and being awake for 1-2 hours. Which is oh so fun. And she is also having a hard time napping in the afternoon. Mostly has been crying herself to sleep (which she is doing right now!!)
She is a wonderful, happy girl and I am so thankful for everything that comes our way.
Letting mama know its time to do laundry

Looking so grown up

Macy's new favorite place to play (Diesels crate)